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...as if insanity were hounding...
Radio play after Georg Büchner und Ingeborg Bachmann
Script: Christine Weghoff
Composition: Toc Edit

toc edit:
karin kettling, narrator; jochen fölster, narrator;
christine weghoff, keyboard & sampling; olaf pyras, drums;
joachim gückel, trombone, erhard hirt, guitar & synthesizer;


amb 96881
EAN 4011392968812

...as if insanity were hounding...

Radio play after Georg Büchner: Lenz und Ingeborg Bachmann: Ein Ort der Zufälle

den 20. jänner ging lenz durchs gebirg...
endlich hörte er stimmen
eine sonderbare angst
oberlin im Zimmer
jeder meint, er wird geköpft
berlin ist aufgeräumt
einst saß er neben oberlin
sein zustand
nepal und ghana
im bett
mit kalter resignation

Two persons trying to understand how people break down, go insans and lose perception. Georg Büchner wrote his story Lenz in 1835; in 1964, Ingeborg Bachmann delivered a speech upon receiving the Georg Büchner Prize. Both were writing as a way of battling their own disintegration.
Two narrators present a collage that draws from the two texts. An integrative musical framework, developed jointly by the group, reinforces the breaks in the spoken texts and the brittleness of their words. Both texts themselves include sounds, noise, music, voices - and deceitful silence.
Together, the text an music highlight and amplify the sensivity of their subject.